Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 Five years since I last posted. Lots has happened!

Retired, my husband and I bought a flower farm and went about building a new house. 

I let go of writing or writing let go of me. Stuck in a one room apartment during Covid, I began to make dioramas. Seems I still love stories as many of them are riffs on children's books. Slightly strange, twisted riffs. Enjoy!



                       Now Cards!  

                       Order from belliles@gmail.com

I inherited a large amount of Pig figurines. My father’s second wife collected them, along with world class art. When he died, we discovered that he had saved her Pig Collection through 20+ years with wife #3.

A collection with that provenance should not be given to Goodwill, so I set out to find homes for them. Much to my joy, I found that Portland has a women’s rugby team called The Portland Pigs. I made contact and they were interested! I set the pigs aside while I packed to move. 

Unfortunately, Covid hit and my contact with the rugby team frittered away. We moved that winter and I found myself living in a one bedroom apartment with all my art supplies in storage. But I had a large box of pig figurines! Pigs with dreams...

If these pigs could talk, what would they say? What stories would they want to be in? This series evolved as each pig’s dream was revealed. All materials were collected or purchased second hand. I had so much fun making these dioramas. I hope it shows.

I live in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. A few years ago there was a large fire sparked by teenagers and fireworks. The Three Pigs know about how easily a house burns down.



 Was Little Red Riding Hood really afraid of the Wolf?

I see Florida as a State full of Pied Pipers, snakes and wolves....

What can I say? I live near Portland, where we have Vegan Strip Clubs...


I made this after seeing the movie Barbie.

Made in honor of my trip to Svalbard during which we saw many melting glaciers, but no Polar Bears.


 Rereading Jane Austin... a modern version!

2001: A Space Odyssey. What if?


Portland Foodies. It is real.

If Snow White's Stepmother had been a Feminist.


Tesselate!  Surely there is a Wrinkle in Time.


My parents were Federal Employees and understood the meaning of Classified.

Timeless Shakespearean Tragedy.